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Operational excellence in ICT is a philosophy of leadership, focus and teamwork problem solving resulting in continuous improvement throughout the organization by focusing on the needs of the business and its customers. In this area we offer support in Change Management, PMO activities, Project Management and Interim Executive activities. 

Defining Service Levels
Define Performance Levels
Components of Operation Excellence


This continuous improvement is not just about improving the HR quality, but it is also about improvements in the standard ICT processes and procedures. We analyse your ICT organization, determine its maturity, its strengths and its weaknesses. These will set the baseline for further improvements. Findings are then discussed with you to determine a fast-track to bringing increased efficiency in your ICT organization.


Improvement is impossible without measurement. Metrics and KPI’s are of vital importance to improvement.


We provide the following :


  1. ICT Audits and maturity checks (Cobit based)

  2. SWOT analysis and definition of fast track improvements

  3. Action plans for implementing quick wins

  4. Implementation of ITIL based processes and procedures

  5. Implementation of monitoring frameworks with KPI’s

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© 2017 by Flexco Consulting.

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